Timothy Johnson, Author
Timothy Johnson survived the 1970s with little more than some minor cuts and bruises and now works as a writer and designer in corporate marketing.
As the years pile up, so do the stories. A paragraph on page six of the local paper about a drifter arrested for trying to sell a human skull for fifteen hundred dollars. An ad agency executive who almost murdered a window washer by mooning him through the glass. An artist, a poet and some grisly murders. A would-be school shooter and free trips to the nuthouse for everyone. (Well, not free, exactly.)
These are the pieces of dreams that come to life when the lights go out, the memories and characters and what-ifs that poke up through the mattress and keep an old man from his rest. “It’s today,” these dreams say. “These tales aren’t going to tell themselves.”
Johnson majored in Fine Art at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock before changing his major to Advertising, and after college began a career as a commercial artist. He eventually became a writer, art director and designer and worked in ad agencies and design firms. His craft is honed over forty years in the “real world,” crafting tiny escapes for target audiences while himself escaping into fiction, fine art, music and poetry.
He is the author of two complete novels, Language of Bones and Lord of the Reservoir; he also has several others underway. In addition, he has a number of completed novellas and biographical short stories, several of which will be published in a volume entitled Clubfoot: Ravings of a Cripple.
Johnson is seeking representation for Language of Bones. Certain of his short stories have been featured in Treehouse Magazine, an online magazine for good, short writing, and can also be found on this website.